Dr. Sharlin's Brain Tune Up Supplements
The B-vitamins comprise a group of eight water soluble vitamins that perform essential, closely inter-related roles in cellular functioning, acting as co-enzymes in a vast array of catabolic and anabolic enzymatic reactions. Their collective effects are particularly prevalent to numerous aspects of brain function, including energy production, DNA/RNA synthesis/repair, homocysteine metabolism, genomic and non-genomic methylation, and the synthesis of numerous neurochemicals and signaling molecules. evidence from human research clearly shows both that a significant proportion of the populations of developed countries suffer from deficiencies or insufficiencies in one or more of this group of vitamins, and that, in the absence of an optimal diet, administration of the entire B-vitamin group would be a rational approach for preserving brain health.

Recent studies show a link between poor gut health and poor immunity. When you are sick, your brain doesn't function as well as it normally would. My Brain Biotic supplement helps to improve your overall gut function and keep your brain sharp and your immune system strong. Those who struggle with getting sick or have frequent issues with their digestive system should really consider purchasing my Brain Biotic and taking 1 pill per day.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need help finding a particular supplement.
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Meet Dr. Sharlin
Ken Sharlin, M.D., M.P.H., IFMCP, is a board-certified neurologist, consultant, functional medicine practitioner, Assistant Clinical Professor, researcher, author, and speaker.
His medical degrees are from Emory University, The University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University.
His functional medicine certification is through The Institute for Functional Medicine.
He is author of the #1 best-seller The Healthy Brain Toolbox: Neurologist-Proven Strategies to Improve Memory Loss and Protect Your Aging Brain and co-author of Neurishment: The Brain Tune Up! Food Guide.
Dr. Sharlin is also a major contributor to Reversal of Cognitive Decline: 100 Patients. This can be found in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alzheimer’s & Parkinsonism, and he has been the primary investigator in several pharma-sponsored clinical trials that have helped bring new therapeutics to market.
Dr. Sharlin practices general neurology and directs his functional medicine program, Brain Tune Up!, in Ozark, MO.